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Fashion / There’s No Straight Path to Michael Rainey Jr.’s Journey to Success

There’s No Straight Path to Michael Rainey Jr.’s Journey to Success

At just 23, Michael Rainey Jr. has got it all figured out. Most famously known for his role of Tariq St. Patrick on hit TV show Power, the actor proudly boasts an abundance of on-screen experience, learning from some of the biggest names in US television.

His achievements are remarkable, yet Rainey Jr. doesn’t let himself get tied up in the fame, instead, he finds respite and real-life grounding through his other passions in life. A commitment to his hobbies, however, isn’t intentional. Early memories of his mom playing compositions by Beethoven and other classical composers captivated the actor’s love for music. Now, he enjoys playing the piano or producing in his free time, and with a “constant spark” to create new tracks, Rainey Jr. often resorts to the studio for a creative release when filming gets too intense. It serves as a mental escape that gives him a new lease of life and allows him to think beyond his success in acting.

In a new campaign with Tommy Hilfiger, produced by Hypebeast, the actor shares an intimate portrait of his treasured down-time. The series of visuals are set in the serene landscapes of Connecticut – the upstate New York setting which he typically retreats to – and feature Rainey Jr. dressed in a preppy mix of shirts, denim jackets, shorts, and loafers. As the brand’s ambassador since 2022, Rainey Jr. has used fashion to help shape his professional evolution, slowly introducing more refined silhouettes yet staying true to his New York-centric street style. Like music, he uses the outlet to express who he is, where he is from and what he loves.

Alongside the new installment, Hypebeast sits down with the actor to discuss his breaks away, dedicating time to exploring his passions, and getting a much-needed reset. He also shares an insight into his future outlook which, as his noticeably laid-back attitude indicates, he takes as it comes – going with the flow “in his own world.”

Read the full interview and explore the new campaign with Michael Rainey Jr. below.

Hypebeast: The new Tommy Hilfiger campaign has brought us to the idyllic suburbs of Connecticut. Why is it important to escape the hustle and bustle of city life?

Michael Rainey Jr.: Breaks are essential no matter what profession you’re in. When you work so hard, having fun is the most important part of staying happy. I work consistently long hours so after a while it gets to a point where it gets too much so you need that time to reset and just decompress. I feel like breaks are definitely essential in keeping that fun factor of work.

When you do escape, how do you spend your time?

It’s a little bit of switching off and enjoying myself but also dedicating time to thinking about my career. You need a balance. When you’re on a break, you still want to keep work fresh in your mind, even if I’m just watching my old work and critiquing what I did or even reading old scripts. You’ve got to stay on point a little bit, you can’t forget about it all. I also try to dedicate time to reflecting and feeling proud of myself for doing this or thinking about the next thing. But, at the end of the day, you’ve got to treat yourself as a human as you can’t overcrowd your mind with thoughts of work.

“When the hiatus was done, they came back with a whole different character. I guess they saw that I had the potential to really create a story.”

Power is such a big part of your career, tell us a bit about how that role impacted you as a young actor.

It impacted me in so many different ways. I’ve been on the show since I was 12, I’m about to be 24 now – I literally grew up on the show. Being around all the greats like Omari Hardwick and 50 Cent, observing what they were doing, just listening to them and just picking up everything. They taught me how to be a young man very early. But it wasn’t just them, the different themes in the script, such as loyalty and principles, definitely added to those learnings and made me evolve as a person much faster than others my age.

How do you think getting that role changed your career trajectory?

It changed my life, it was and still is my biggest role to date. Without Power, my life would definitely be a lot different. Going into the role, I really never expected so much to come from it. When I first stepped onto the show, my character was not that instrumental to the storyline but this really developed. During the hiatus between season two and season three, I filmed a movie called Barbershop and the producers on Power watched that and saw my acting abilities a lot more. When the hiatus was done, they came back to me with a whole different character than what it was before. I guess they saw that I had the potential to really create a story.

In tandem with your acting, you also produce music. Tell us a bit about your connection with music.

I’ve been producing music since I was 12, but I’ve really been into music since I was five, so music has always been a big part of who I am. I used to come home from set and the first thing I would want to do is make some beats so it definitely was an escape for me over the years. Between now and last year, I’ve really been trying to press the button more. Before I just really wanted to have fun with it but now I’m getting into the business side of music and pursue it as a career rather than a hobby. Recently, I executive produced every song on Wolface Joeyy’s mixtape which went crazy so, I’m taking it more seriously.

How have you used fashion to create an image that reflects your professional identity?

I want to give a big shout to Frank Fleming, he’s the wardrobe coordinator for Power, he puts all the outfits together by reading each episode and then gauging the right fits for the scenes. He’s the reason I started taking an interest in fashion. I used to love wearing basketball sneakers and chill outfits but once I got on Power I started discovering new designers and new clothes. I’d go to fittings and they’d have 20 outfits for me which is something I’ve never experienced before. Eventually, I got tired of asking Frank who designed certain clothes so I just started paying more attention and how I could elevate my style.

“I try to stay true to my principles and not let anybody walk over what I believe in. This approach will take you a long way.”

Touching on your upbringing in New York, how did that influence your fashion choices?

The culture in New York is super strong. If you live there long enough, it’s inevitable that you become a New Yorker. It has inspired everything about me, I feel like New York is in my blood. I definitely do remember that old school, preppy vibe which came from a lot of music videos and TV shows that were on when I was younger. A lot of rappers would wear Tommy and make it part of this swaggy uniform. My dad definitely had some Tommy in his closet.

Why do you think Tommy Hilfiger’s impact on NY fashion will continue to live on?

It has something to do with the way it stays in tune with culture and everything that’s happening now. I feel like the brand just never gave anyone a chance to forget about it. Whatever it has coming up is bound to be impactful. They know how to keep the ball rolling and are doing a great job at that.

Why do you think staying true to yourself is important in creating a legacy that you’re proud of?

Being yourself is easy, trying to be like someone else is like another full-time job. Staying true to yourself is really the most important part of this business. You deal with so many different people and personalities so if you’re not true to yourself, then people will see that and could take advantage. I try to stay true to my principles and not let anybody walk over what I believe in. This approach will take you a long way.

In what ways do you want to inspire aspiring actors and music producers?

I want to inspire people in every way possible. When I first came into Power, I didn’t know what to expect or what was going to happen for my character but I stayed on job. It was a big responsibility showing up on time and making sure I knew my lines. After that, a bigger role for my character followed, so staying dedicated and resilient is important because you never know what could happen in the years to follow.

Swipe through Hypebeast’s latest Tommy Hilfiger campaign in the galleries above, and stay tuned for more.

To discover and shop Tommy Hilfiger’s new collection, head to its website now.

Read more at Hypebeast

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